Traffic Calming for East Dilido and West Dilido.

Cars roaring down the streets on the Venetian islands has been a concern for years. The increase traffic from construction workers and drivers who are not residents amplified the problem. 

Dilido Island experiences additional speed from cars due to it being the longest of the Venetian Islands.

As a result of Dilido residents concerns, VIHA is requesting for the Transportation Department/City of Miami Beach to install speed humps on Dilido Island, in an effort to make the island safer for pedestrians, children, pets, and other drivers. 

A minimum of 50% of Dilido residents must vote in favor in order for request to be processed. 

Please take a minute to enter your information if you are in support of the speed humps. 


*By clicking the send button, I hereby warrant that I am a resident of Dilido Island and authorize this to be used as the equivalent of my signature for this petition in support of speed bumps installed on East and West Dilido Island.